Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision – Branding

Here is some branding that I have come up with, which is quite simple and is made up of my initials LSW. I have sprayed this onto bags and cards that could be tags or business cards.  I feel I could expand on this in the future to make a solid brand.

Here are some examples below

Beyond Fiction – Final piece

Here are my final images of my my final piece for Beyond fiction. I edited my mask by using typed text which was smaller. I would like to hang this in a gallery as i feel that it could be interacted with and make more of an impact.

I am happy with my final outcome, and I enjoyed focusing on a narrative rather than materials for a change. It has given me an understanding of how I could bring narrative into my work.

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision – Frames Finished

Here are my Finished frames, with  pictures that I have made inside, I have made the pictures using the objects from the frame and layers of spray paint, making different effects, I am very happy with my outcomes.

I am really happy with my outcomes. I feel they are interesting and fulfill my brief.

Rodins Gates Of Hell

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision – Artist Research

I was told to look at Rodins gated of hell in my critique because they said my frames reminded them of the sculpture. With the image from far away looking overwhelming but when you actually look at it the detail is incredible. The gates depict the scenes of the inferno. The work shows the thinker, the kiss along with many other great masterpieces. I love the feeling that I get when I look at this artwork, I have never really looked at it properly before and now I am very interested by how they all link together to create this wonderful piece.


Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision Critique

After our sales event we had our final critique, where we received feedback on our project. We are graded on skills and context, in this case the relationship between value and meaning. Editions, reflective practice, which could link to ideas within constellation.

Applied Imagination in a Reflected Context.

My Notes

  • Rodans gates of hell.
  • could choreograph the frames.
  • animate the frame – screws taking over.
  • different things in frames – military, cheesy, beautiful.
  • my work has many metaphors.
  • photograph in likely and unlikely places – context.
  • Liked how I used ordinary objects to be decorative.

I was really happy with the feedback that I received. And I will show the ideas suggested to me in future posts, which hopefully make my project complete and more desirable. I feel this project worked well by creating limited edition outcomes which have meaning and value to me, my work has value to me, which in this project i have come to understand the importance of.

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision Sales Event

We had our sales event at Chapter Arts Center on Thursday 20th March at 5.30 till 8.30 pm. We were told to arrive at 4.30 to set up, Here are some photographs of my finished frames on the table at chapter.



The event at chapter was a nice experience, and I really enjoyed meeting people and hearing what they thought of my work, I received a lot of positive feedback, which was great to hear. I also got asked for my contact details by people who were interested in the frames but couldn’t buy them on the night. Even though I enjoyed the experience I do not feel it was the best place to sell them as people were not really there to buy things, They were there to have food or watch a film. So I do not think this event was right at this time. I feel my items along with others at the event would sell better in a craft fair as people attending the fair would go with a possible intention of buying items. I was advised to price my frames between 10 and 12 pound, the larger frames 12 pound and the smaller frames 10 pound. I now want to try selling my frames at different sales events.

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision Lecture

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision

We had another Lecture for our project, where we talked about things such as the name, product and artifact, what does it offer to others? What endorsements may there be?

We were asked to write a statement that you would use to present yourself to a potential client or investor. We were told to pretend we were in a lift and so we only had that amount of time to tell them about yourself and your project.

Here is my example statement.
Hi my name is Lauren Williams and I have made a selection of frames that are made up of ordinary objects such as screws and army men, that offers a sun and unique way to display your favorite memories.

We then had to say this to two people that we were not familiar with, and gain their opinions, and also respond to their paragraph in order for us to help each other.

After this exercise we were asked why people would want to buy your product. Some of the things discussed were as follows.

  • uniqueness
  • personal
  • bespoke
  • interactive
  • could boost creativity
  • you can collect them

We were also told in this session to prepare for our sales event at chapter arts center, to consider contact details, feedback forms, order slips, receipts,table covering, your anesthetics. Some of these things I had not considered until now.

Why I’m Making Frames

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision

To me my frames are fun and playful, they provide a purpose, could add colour to a dull space. I feel they can also be humorous, and contradictory like my frame that I use army men on which has been sprayed pink. I have decided to use objects that are ordinary and highlighting them as a decorative piece. The objects that I intend to use variety from things like paperclips, to kids toy cars, buttons, domino’s, beads, coins etc. Once I have added the objects onto the frame I will on most of them anyways spray the whole frame one colour, which I feel adds a contemporary feel to the frame, using metallic sprays as well as colours like pink, grean blue and purple to give a varied choice to the consumer.

Changing My idea

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision

After making the dyes for my project I discovered that they did not achieve the desired effect that I wanted, as I had spent a lot of time on this process of dye making, I decided to go back to something that i had made previously and knew i could achieve within the much shorter timescale. I decided to make frames that i would up-cycle using ordinary objects. Previously i used army men and screws. I have decided to make a selection of frames, My inattention is for them to be fun objects to hold your photos.

Here are the two photo frames that i already have made.

Run Wrake

Limited Edition, Unlimited Vision Research

I was told to look at this artist as my limited edition object was a similar style to his work. He is best known for his short animation Rabbit (2005), also jukebox (1994) and Down with the Dawn (2012). He studied graphics instead of fine art because he said it was inherently democratic, and his animations are distinguished by the engagement and creative collaboration with producers, and musicians. His project Rabbit was thought of and developed by wrake being influenced by a collection of 1950s spelling card illustrations that he had found in a junk shop several years before hand. It is a dark morality tale shows his successful attempt to develop a stronger narrative drive within his work.

Here are some of the images that i like from his work for rabbit.


Here is the link to his website where you can find out more about his work.

Run Wrake Website