Changing My Mind

Beyond Fiction Project Ready For Critique

While making my mask, i have changed my thought of making the mask all pretty and pink on the outside, as when i did this it did not seem to work for me in the way i wanted it to. So after much deliberation and asking second opinions from my friends, i made the decision to spray the entire front black, on top of all the work i had already done, as i felt this might make the mask come together and work more as a final image, By doing this i ended up liking the mask a lot more and i feel it works more with what i intend it to mean or show. Before i wanted it to be pretty and regal looking but now i feel it is more haunting and Gothic, I have wrote on the inside, however i feel i will edit this soon, by having neater writing possibly typed. If i had more time  before my critique i think i would like to make a mould of the mask in clay as i feel this would give it a higher standard and show more skill, however i do not want it to take away from the meaning of the mask itself as i feel this would make it have a less real feeling and be more perfectly polished which i didn’t originally want as i wanted it to be more rough and bandages like ballerinas feet.

Here are some of my images of my mask ready for assessment.


Research for Beyond Fiction Project

I began research into Degas work as he is known for his paintings of ballet dancers. Here are some of my favorite pieces of his work.

Degas was a french artist famous for his paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings. He is especially identified with the subject of dance. More than half of his works depicts dancers. He is regarded as one of the founders of impressionism although he rejected the term and preferred to be called a realist. He was a superb draftsman and particularly masterly in depicting movement as can be seen in his renditions of dancers, racecourses subjects and female nudes. His portraits are noted for their psychological complexity and for their portrayal of human isolation. Degas is often identified as an impressionist, an understandable but insufficient description. Degas style has deep respect for the old masters, and his great admiration for Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Eugine Delacroix.

I find these works of art truly beautiful, some are simplistic at first glance but if you look closer you can see the layers and depth to the paintings. Degas work has inspired me greatly for this project, which is unusual as i normally do not get influenced by paintings, i normally get influenced by 3D sculptures, or by materials themselves. The colours he uses are complementary of each other and make the pieces work as outstanding pieces of art. The emotion and shapes created in his art are truly captivating and uniquely beautiful to me.

Story Idea for Beyond Fiction

My Beyond Fiction Story Idea

We were asked to create stories for our evidence workshop, and the story that i have created is about a ballerina, who happens to be my grandmother. I made the story of her being a child and wanting to be a ballerina after her father gives her a ballerina figurine. The story is about her growing up and working hard to be a ballerina. Dealing with her struggles and her dedication to ballet and the difficulties that go along with the hard work. The objects that she has inherited or picked up along her travels. I want to demonstrate the regal, pretty side of ballet, contrasted with the pain and harsh circumstances of it. I think this could work for my project, and it could develop into something different than expected and i could demonstrate this through different mediums which i hope will be very interesting.

Initial Ideas for Beyond Fiction

Initial Ideas for project

For this project i have had some initial ideas. I started with what objects i was most drawn to. Which for me are my figurine of a ballerina, which i bought from a charity shop, I love the brassy colour with the black patches. I really like the way it looks as she is not in a typical ballerina pose. She looks vulnerable and almost naive and childlike. The other items i was most drawn to are my photographs of my grandmother and her family. I feel these two objects could work well together to create a really interesting story narrative.

These are the objects that i am most drawn to.