Raw – Finished

This is my final outcomes for my raw project, I added wicks to my icebergs , and placed my polar bears on top. I placed these on to shredded cardboard which I sprayed blue. I like the effect that it has given the work.

Wax Ice burgs

So i have decided to develop my wax shapes into the main aspect of my project, through discussions with tutors and students we came to the decisions that they look like ice burgs. It is my intention to make these ice burgs with a ceramic polar bear placed on top. I also would like to add a wick into the wax shapes, to make it an actual candle. i want it to show the message that yes you can light me but if you do then the polar bears home will melt away and become nothing. I feel this could portray the right message but with a simple design and could be quite effective. At first i thought these would be more of a gallery piece displayed in cabinets, however after more discussions i can now see a place for them in the market, i feel they could be linked to the WWF charity or just showing the effects of the melting world.

Here are my pieces that i have created so far, i have put a bought polar bear onto the wax ice burgs to show how i would display them. I like this idea and am intrigued to work on it further.

WWF Mark Coreth

Melting Polar Bear Ice Sculpture

The melting polar bear ice sculpture was created by Mark Coreth, it was presented in various places including Copenhagen and it was sponsored by the world wildlife fund (WWF) to create awareness on the human impact on the climate, as it melts a skeleton appears.

These sculptures have appeared in various places, and carved by Mark Coreth who is a British artist. I really feel the message comes across and i like the impact this could create, more people need to do something about the melting world.

The Arctic …

… A Melting World 

Global warming has a great effect on the many glaciers and ice caps on the earth, Some of which are much more complex than just more water on the earth. The melting of the Arctic will cause sea levels to rise, and a rise in temperature of the sea, disrupting sea life and also flooding would occur. The melting ice caps effect the wildlife such as the polar bears which are decreasing in population. The sea ice platforms are moving farther apart and swimming conditions are more dangerous, and their are fewer hunting opportunities and there is an increased scarcity of food. As climate change melts sea ice it is projected that two thirds of polar bears will disappear by 2050. I feel that this is something i would like more people to think about. I think i would like to use this within my project as it is something i am passionate about and i feel could be very interesting.