Cabinets of Curiosities is finished!

From the start of the year i have been working on my cabinet of curiosities project. i choose the theme of butterflies and the universe, as i feel this concept together works well, the big and the small, i love the contrast. i used a variety of techniques and materials for this project. i decided to use tins as my containers to make my ‘Cabinet’, i have a bit of an obsession and i felt this worked well.

these are some photos of my final display


The Solar System..

So i have  been doing  a lot of research on the universe and have got really inspired by the moon, i like the colours and the textures that i could create from it. i wanted to combine this idea with my butterflies and created.. Moth Moon

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i painted papers and stained it with oil paint, i then hand cut moth shapes, and pinned them to a sponge center, i was really happy with the outcome, so i decided to extend the idea, and make one for each of the planets and the sun. i enjoyed making these eventhough it was quite tedious, i did some research and tried to use as accurate a colour as i could, i feel these could, i feel these could look quite effective.

here they are:-

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Cardiff Museum

I have revisited Cardiff Museum, where i have been many times for inspiration for this project, but realized i am yet to post about it. i love visiting this museum, they have a wonderful butterfly display and i could look at it for hours and still find new things to interest me, here are some of my favorites.

they also have information on space which has come in very handy lately.


My projects starting to grow wings

Wings inspire me greatly, they always have from a young age, it goes back to being a child in my grandparents’ garden surrounded by butterflies, and the stories my grandmother would tell me about them. Over the years this has grown into an incredible love of their beauty, so I feel using this as an area of inspiration will work well and drive my project in a positive direction. I want to look into their pattern structure, shape and also their colours and why they are this way. I visited the Howard gardens library and took out a selection of butterfly books to use as my research. I did some sketches and paintings of wings and butterflies to start my research of my project. These are some of my work so far, however take into account that I am not a drawer but here they are anyways.


Natures an Inspiring thing

We were given a brief in fab lab to find a creative context from the areas of art, design or architecture to act as a starting point for the design and development of an original 3D form to be modeled in rhino and 3D printed. I decided to explore patterns in nature, I decided to look into wing patterns, their structure is uniquely beautiful and I feel I could make something very interesting with this idea. I had the idea that I could print a wing pattern and possibly cast this in metal to make jewellery. I am going to do further research into this and will update as I go.

wing butterfly wings

I love the structures and patterns in these wings and i will defiantly be doing more research into wings right away.