Constellation – describing creative practice – Dr Cathy Treaday

Session 9

Making, Drawing and Writing 

Walk and Draw 

Take a walk around the campus for 30 minutes and draw as you walk along to describe your journey. You will be using this for various tasks on your return.

We then had to list the words we remembered from our journey.

We had to give these words to the person next to us  and they had to draw from your words. This is the result.

We were asked to do a memory drawing of our journey here is mine.


Celia Johnson

We had a talk from celia johnson on her practice here are some things she talked about that interested me.

  • Walk and draw
  • Monknosh – to beach
  • Self narrative walking
  • Environment: sensory stimulate
  • ‘You don’t see anything properly until you draw it’
  • Exploration of place
  • Walking and drawing while walking, continuous line, in translation, with 4B to 8B, charcoal, mud, pollen, dust, with paint, found objects, with words, as performance, in sketchbooks, on walls, on site, in residence.
  • Not worry about whats happening on paper.
  • Then develop – translate drawing
  • Memory! – important

 Why do I draw

  • To see and to see a new.
  • To connect and engage with environment.
  • Investigate the world.
  • To think differently.
  • Poetry ? Words inspire her making.
  • Words

Constellation – describing creative practice – Dr Cathy Treaday

Session 8

In this afternoon session we were introduced to the digital elements of documenting. Techniques of recording the videos themselves gave us a reflective breakdown of the creation of these documentation. Our personal insights can be formed on your subject and can show different perspectives created which may be another angle to consider. When it comes to watching and analyzing videos for research for my dissertation. I also discovered other things about using your resources and assets around you, to aid with things like cost and funding in making of videos which I could possibly consider in the future.


Constellation – describing creative practice – Dr Cathy Treaday

Session 7

In todays session we were encouraged to formulate stories about objects presented to us. Through this session I learnt the importance of keeping my audience engaged. And excited by my story which I know is a transferable skill about how I describe my own pieces of art work. It was very helpful in knowing that I can change the way others perceive my work, and influence the audience with my own reflections and self evaluations. It was helpful learning how to summarize information and the story I created behind the object, so it would be ready for a museum. This made me think that the extensions and variations to where describing my creative practice could be applied.

Constellation – describing creative practice – Dr Cathy Treaday

Session 6 

In todays session we were asked to pin point our downfall, and why and where our groups project on flight all fell apart. At the end we began to create further ideas from our project as we disassembled it which was interesting to reflect on while our creativity continued. Overall the negative expenses of the group project gave me a better understanding of reflection as we found, although most of it turned out to be negative. There are many things that we could change and consider for next time, which left us with a much more positive outcome and learning curve that we thought it would be.


Constellation – describing creative practice – Dr Cathy Treaday

Session 4 

For our afternoon session today we were given a talk on the video documenting process. From many different angles, I had not considered this way of documenting for example looking for things like artistic judgement, skill, materials and looking into someones environment. This was a very interesting talk of learning to documenting through video.


Constellation – describing creative practice – Dr Cathy Treaday

Session 3

In this session we were asked to think past the normal restraints of my ideas on describing  creative process. I described my own chosen process of Raku and I didn’t realize how much you leave out when you think back on what decisions leads to the next action and so on. I can easily see how I could use this to describe my own work, and how this will help and encourage me to think more into each detailed step in the thought and action process which is something I normally do within my practice. As a maker, how things are made is very important to how I work, and how my work is made.